Auditory Scenes Amsterdam
Auditory Scenes Amsterdam is a field recording project in Amsterdam during May-June 2020; a subjective collection of daily soundscapes from a period in which the city sounds very different than in its usual busy mode.
Auditory Scenes Amsterdam invites people to explore fragile, different and dominant sounds of the city they often might disregard or ignore. Over time, the recordings will form an online audio archive hosted on my website as a reminder of this ‘new normal’. I want to build an archive of sound memories for a time when the city has returned to its previous busy state and we might need a reminder how this time sounded
Click on the images below to play the sound.
Entire playlist: Auditory Scenes Amsterdam
Review: A Closer Listen
℗+© BJ Nilsen
Auditory Scenes Amsterdam is supported by the AFK (Amsterdam Fund for the Arts) AFK invests in the arts which enrich the experience of life in the city. AFK encourages the quality, dynamism and diversity of the arts in Amsterdam and contributes to the city’s strong and richly varied cultural climate. AFK is available to artists and cultural organisations, and supports both experimentation and proven quality – within all artistic disciplines, from every district of the city.