Radio Web Macba
Opening BJ Nilsen’s field recording archive
As part of the European project Re-Imagine Europe: New Perspectives for Action, we have begun a collaboration with Swedish sound artist BJ Nilsen to incorporate selections from his field recordings archive into the RWM sound libraries.
Nilsen’s work, which explores how sound influences human perception, will provide a rich sonic backdrop for our podcast series. By incorporating his archival recordings—capturing both natural and urban soundscapes, from remote wilderness to Arctic industrial landscapes—we are able to subtly weave his unique audio explorations into our interviews and conversations. Rather than serving as mere ornaments, these recordings create a deeper sonic context, adding texture and presence to the discussions. So far, we’ve used Benny’s soundscapes in our podcasts with Sarah Nuttall and Seba Calfuqueo – the first of many more to come!